Monthly Archives: May 2017

Down Time

Too often “life” gets bullied by work.

Work pushes us around and demands too much attention. It can easily take your lunch time – not always your lunch money. So I made a conscious effort a while ago to stop the self-imposed abuse, stand up for myself and create more down time. It fuels creativity. New ideas, new perspective, maybe even a connection with an old friend. And occasionally, you get a surprise.

Last week I was fortunate to stumble upon a talented singer/songwriter. I don’t know if he’ll ever break out but his talent certainly stands out. Budatom. A unique blend of Jason Mraz and John Mayer would be my initial reaction. You decide.

I found him playing outside (to no one in particular) at the bottom of an escalator that leads you into Disney Springs. I’m not a Disney World person, this evening was more about going for a walk with no specific plan except to clear my mind.

I enjoyed plenty of live music that night. Meandered past restaurants and stores I never intended to shop in, and checked out the full moon. It’s always good to recognize that the best things in life are not “things” at all.

Man sacrifices his health to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present. The result is that he does not live in the present or the future. He lives as if he is never going to die and then he dies having never really lived.

Dalai Lama

Budatom made the night for me. No prerecorded soundtrack, electronic gizmos, special effects, lights, or video screens. One man, a guitar and a mic. Maybe we were sharing some down time together…

I gave him my lunch money.

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News at 11:00. R.I.P.

Network News reporting the big stories at 11:00pm. It used to be a ritual. If it bleeds, it leads.

Now… “Dead man walking.”

There’s countless news outlets (and individuals) pushing stories all day – every day – and you can get that “news” on any device – whenever you want. You can even set notifications for the type of news you want to see. Sure, some of the content is editorial, masquerading as objective reporting. Some of it is nonsense. But when you have that many sources, you take the good with the bad. Make intelligent choices on what you read, how much of it you read and what you share.,28804,1860871_1860876_1861029,00.html

It’s an information tsunami; and that much incoming ordinance is bound to blow up plenty of brain cells and eyeballs. We’ve become mobile device addicts. Hypnotized by that glowing little screen. “Look at me…look at me…” No 12-step program can help.

Thus, the proliferation/popularity and absolute necessity for video sound bites. How many of us have closed a link on a story we wanted to see just because it didn’t load instantly? I did it this morning. Twice.

Short. Relevant. Video. Delivered to a mobile device. Information on demand. That’s a good place to start. And a strategy (still) lost on the traditional “big machines” that desperately need to engage with an audience – and marketplace – that is changing rapidly.

Soon enough, News at 11:00 will only be airing at the Smithsonian, if it isn’t in that time slot already.

What’s next? Network TV?



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