Monthly Archives: November 2017

Lava Lamp

I stumbled on a Heart concert from 2002. The performance was great, but I couldn’t help but notice Lava Lamps on the stage.

Lava Lamps. Invented by an accountant in 1963, and although their popularity has gone up and down over the years, they never went away. I would bet a large group of baby-boomer business owners had one at some point in the their life. And…when they watched the lamp they were looking into the future. Who knew?

Turn on a Lava Lamp and you can stare at liquid shapes randomly distorting while floating in suspension. As long as it’s on, the wax mixtures move. Unique. Soothing. Hypnotic. And not just for those folks who enjoy Ravi Shankar music and herbal therapy from time to time.

Lava Lamps should be sent to every entrepreneur.

The lamp is their company. Some are big. Some small. But when they’re on, everything is in motion – constantly changing shape – inside a defined space. That’s the life of a business owner; they move around in their company, juggling a bunch of things, attention stretched, and never stop as long as nothing is disturbed. These people work, or think about work…even when they’re not at work.

But if an owner never lets his or her “lamp” cool off and doesn’t take time to plan and protect what they have worked so hard to build, it might burn out. Or break.

Both my kids (now 24 and 23 years old) have Lava Lamps. Like I said, they never go away. One of them got broken accidentally. Knocked off a shelf, it shattered. Very messy. Completely destroyed in an instant. The only option was to buy a new one. We did. Same color. Same size. Replacing it was quick and easy. Google Lava Lamps, you’ll get four million hits in about a quarter of a second.

Unfortunately, most business owners will not be able to replace their company or their life.

Even if they could, it will never be easy or fast.

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